Junior Content creator and designer bij Oxfam Novib

Junior Content creator and designer bij Oxfam Novib
Junior Content creator and designer bij Oxfam Novib
7 August 2018
Nieuws | | Vacatures

Functie: Junior Content creator and designer
Organisatie: Oxfam Novib
Aantal uren: 16-32 uur
Locatie: Den Haag
Vervaldatum: 17 augustus

Oxfam is convinced that people have the power to end poverty. All they need is an opportunity. Oxfam is committed to make sure everyone gets that chance. That is why we support local projects in developing countries, why we lobby governments and companies to listen to the poorest people, and why we campaign to involve both men and women in our work. Oxfam is a confederation of 17 organizations that works together to increase the impact of its long term development and humanitarian responses. Oxfam Novib is a world-wide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty.

Oxfam Novib’s Innovation team is looking for a Junior Content creator and designer | 16-32 hrs a week | The Hague | Oxfam is a frontrunner in her mission for a just world without poverty. The innovation team of Oxfam Novib starts an internal campaign to contribute to even more focus on innovation and agility in the organisation. We aim to inform colleagues around the world with the successful innovations we’ve done and inspire them to practice innovative behaviours that lead to new concepts. The desired end-result of the campaign is the following:
  • All Oxfam staff gained (common) understanding on innovation and agile mindset and behaviors; and increased energy around the topic of innovation;
  • All Oxfam staff inspired to engage (e.g. by sharing success stories) and contribute to improving what we do and how we do it
  • Identified champions within the organization, that will lead on innovation
You will be responsible for the content creation and design of the campaign, next to support on the organization of events that are part of the campaign. For the campaign we use on- and offline channels. Content creation and design is your main responsibility but thinking along on the strategy of the campaign is highly appreciated. You will also contribute to the design of the user interface of an app of one of our programs. This vacancy covers a project period of at least 5 months, with the possibility of contract extension after that period.

  • Responsible for design of the campaign: developing and designing the identity (cartoon character) and templates of the overall campaign;
  • Create the on- and offline content for the campaign: inspiring videos (to announce upcoming campaign, to visualize and promote innovation practices), create/collect success stories of innovation within Oxfam, collect external content (blogs and TedTalks) that explain the innovative behaviors, etc.;
  • Responsible for sharing content on identified channels (Facebook@Work, intranet of Oxfam, Oxfam.org website);
  • Design and maintain the innovation pages on our website, using Oxfam brand guidelines;
  • Support in innovation events as part of the campaign (e.g. pitch challenges)
  • Support in design of user-interface of a web-based application.

Functie-eisen en profiel
  • Have a bachelor/HBO degree in Communication, Media or Graphic design studies;
  • Communication background: clear experience in graphic design and content creation;
  • Experience in design of websites and/or (web-based) applications;
  • Proven experience in using programs like InDesign, Photoshop and other Adobe CC software;
  • Affinity with innovation and working with (start-up) businesses;
  • Experience with the lean start-up and design thinking methodology;
  • Have excellent written & spoken English skills and ideally also in French and Dutch.
  • The key competencies for this position are:
    • Result orientation: The formulation of results to be attained from the objectives of Oxfam Novib, in terms of quality and quantity (formulated SMART-ly). The basis for managing through decisive actions and evaluations.
    • Co-operation: To contribute actively to a joint result, also when there is no direct self-interest of a functional or personal nature. To build bridges and find common ground from cultural differences.
    • Planning & Organisation: From a set target, to determine priorities and indicate a ranking of activities and needed resources.
    • Customer orientation: To analyse the wishes and needs of the customer and act accordingly. Having the needs and personality of the target audience always in mind when designing and executing the campaign;
    • Creativity: To find original solutions to problems, new work methods. To ensure innovative ideas can be executed in a financially sound manner.
    • Enterprise: Signals opportunities, acts on them and in doing so dares to take responsible risks.

Ons aanbod
  • Oxfam Novib is committed to providing you with a competitive, fair, and comprehensive pay and benefits package that is justifiable to our donors.
  • The gross salary range for Junior Graphic designer is € 2.218,- up to € 3.411,- based on 36 hours a week.

Informeren en solliciteren
Are you interested? Please upload your application letter and CV via the 'apply' button. Your application must be received August 17, 2018 at the latest. For questions you can contact Boris Alberda, Manager Innovation, Boris.Alberda@oxfamnovib.nl. Applicants must be nationals of an European Union member State or have a valid work permit for the European Union. 
►Vacature ingevuld? Laat het ons weten via info@thefundraiser.nl, dan nemen we je nieuwe collega op in onze rubriek Movers.