Compass Prize uitgereikt aan Rien van Gendt

Compass Prize uitgereikt aan Rien van Gendt
Compass Prize uitgereikt aan Rien van Gendt
4 June 2013
Nieuws | | Personalia

Afgelopen zaterdag kreeg Rien van Gendt tijdens het jaarlijkse EFC-congres de Compass Prize uitgereikt. De Compass Prize wordt alleen in uitzonderlijke gevallen toegekend aan echte pioniers in de internationale filantropie en de Europese fondsensector.

Van Gendt zei in zijn acceptance speech: ‘It is a tremendous privilege to receive the EFC Compass prize and follow in the footsteps of Bill White and Francis Charhon, two high calibre people who I deeply appreciate for their outstanding achievements in our field. I would like to thank the Management Committee of EFC for awarding me this prize. I would like to thank my friend Gerry Salole for his inspirational leadership of the EFC, it has given me great joy to be associated with you (and previously with John Richardson) over so many years as an active member of our organisation. I would like to thank Ivar Samren ( a former boss, colleague and long-time friend) for his gracious remarks (Barry Gaberman once told me that the right response at such an occasion is to say: my father would have appreciated the generous remarks, my mother would have believed them). Above all I would like to thank my dear wife Georgie, although I know that she, instead of me receiving an award for my professional work, would rather give me an award for my role as a grandfather.’

Klik hier om de complete speech te lezen.